siUnknownQuality - invalid quality selector (returned by driver) siUnknownInfoType - invalid info type selector (returned by driver) siInputDeviceErr - input device hardware failure siBadRefNum - invalid input device reference number siBadDeviceName - input device could not be opened siDeviceBusyErr - input device already in use siInvalidSampleSize - invalid sample size siInvalidSampleRate - invalid sample rate siHardDriveTooSlow - hard drive too slow to record to disk siInvalidCompression - invalid compression type siNoBufferSpecified - returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed siBadSoundInDevice - invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice siNoSoundInHardware - no Sound Input hardware noMoreRealTime - not enough CPU cycles left to add another task channelNotBusy buffersTooSmall - can not operate in the memory allowed channelBusy - the Channel is being used for a PFD already badFileFormat - was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt notEnoughBufferSpace - could not allocate enough memory badFormat - Sound Manager Error Returns badChannel - Sound Manager Error Returns resProblem - Sound Manager Error Returns queueFull - Sound Manager Error Returns notEnoughHardwareErr - Sound Manager Error Returns noHardwareErr - Sound Manager Error Returns